How to make Strawberry Jam (not freezer jam)

Had 2 flats of strawberries that came from Plant City, FL.  I must give 2 thumbs up for this grower. Fabulous strawberries and very generous amounts in each flat. I thought I would never get to the bottom of 2 flats! If you are in Florida, check out

Made 3 batches of Strawberry Jam today. If you were to use the small jelly jars I made approximately 30 jars with only 3/4 of one flat!! Amazing!! Especially when I only paid $9.00 a flat. That is quite the savings!

Check out our store- for the canning equipment we use.

You will need

7 cups of sugar for each batch
5 cups of pureed strawberries
1 box sure jell powdered pectin
Water Bath Canner and tools
1 large pot and 1 small

In your canner with lukewarm water place your jars filled with water and bring to a boil to sterilize.

In your small pot bring your lids and rings to a boil to get them ready and to sterilize

Puree 5 cups of strawberries with a food processor. Put them into your large pot and 1 box of pectin. Mix till your strawberries start to bubble/boil. Heat should be on medium/high.

Once they start to bubble, pour ALL at once 7 cups of sugar into your pot. Preferably you have all 7 cups pre measured before the strawberries start to boil.  Once you pour in your 7 cups. Stir very well continually till you get to a rolling boil  Once you can mix and they continue to boil, set a timer to 1 minute. Boil and mix vigorously for 1 minute then remove from heat.

You will have foam on the top. Scrape off the foam and discard.

Your hot jars one at a time remove and empty the water. Using a funnel. Pour hot jam into the jar. Add a lid and a ring carefully as it is very hot and tighten.  Make all of your jars filled. Quickly put them back into the hot water bath canner with the boiling water, and process (boil them) for 10 minutes. Then remove. And let them cool up to 24 hours on your counter.

You will hear the lids begin to POP as the seal is made on your strawberries. They can now be put in your storage for later use. Once you open a jar to use, they must be kept the refrigerator.

My family loves fresh jam!! This is a fairly easy process, and very rewarding feeling when you have made your own jam!


One Response to How to make Strawberry Jam (not freezer jam)
  1. Melissa
    October 14, 2010 | 5:07 pm

    What is the shelf life of this jam? I would like to make this as our party favor at our wedding..

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