April Fool’s Day – Lemonade

This trick really got my kids all riled up! They were not expecting what we had in store for them.

You will simply need 1 or 2 boxes of your favorite gelatin flavor. We chose to make ours lemon flavor. Also we only made 1 box of gelatin flavor and wished we had made 2 so that we could have filled up the glasses higher, but we still succeeded in our evil plan. BBWWWAAAAHAHAHAHA!

Make your gelatin flavor as directed on the box. Pour your gelatin flavor into individual cups. Add your straw and place all the cups/glasses into your refrigerator.  The gelatin flavor will harden and the straw will stay in place.

Be sure your kid’s stay out of the refrigerator leading up to your prank. And do not allow them to watch you set the table.  My hubby stood watch as we quickly pulled this prank off. We were giggling like little kids the entire time!! The children thought we had lost our marbles 🙂

Soon as the kiddlets tried to start drinking they suddenly realized they have been tricked!! WOOHOO!!! 1 up for the parents!

We got lots of laughs out of them once they figured it was gelatin instead of lemonade!

Easy and inexpensive prank that your kids or even your big kids will love!!

Tomorrow I am going to share a great recipe for dessert for dinner.


One Response to April Fool’s Day – Lemonade
  1. Cat
    February 29, 2012 | 6:33 pm

    I’ve masterminded this trick a few times. I made one box of lemonade Jello, then poured lemonade (dyed to match of course) on top, so the movement wouldn’t throw off the prank.

    Oh my gosh! Watching my 8 yr old neice and 7 yr old nephew completely confused almost made me wet myself!

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