Wordless Wednesday – Extra Hands

When you need to finish a project and need an extra set of hands to accomplish them all in a week 🙂

Making a baby quilt. 🙂 What a hubby!! I think I will keep him!

3 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – Extra Hands
  1. patti
    August 31, 2011 | 12:41 pm

    aawwwwwwwwww – what a sweetheart of a guy! he IS a keeper!

  2. Katie @ Dip It In Chocolate
    August 31, 2011 | 6:23 pm

    Haha, that’s *awesome*. Hubby’s are the best!

  3. Shar
    August 31, 2011 | 10:22 pm

    That’s adorable!!!
    One year during an extra busy Christmas season I needed to finish a x-stitch for a family member but between work, church, and life in general I just wasn’t going to get it done. DH felt my sad angst and asked what he could do to help…I taught him how to x-stitch and he finished it for me. SWEEET!!! BTW…he loved the craft and took it up as a hobby for the next several yrs. He was better at it than me and I have lots of beautiful pieces he did. Wonderful keepsakes.

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