Puppy Vitamins- Pupppy Party Theme

Going to feature a few of the smaller items we worked on for our Puppy Party. Pretty soon we will share with you how the entire party panned out πŸ™‚ So exciting.

We have stations for the children to visit with their adopted “stuff” puppies. And one of them is the vet. They will receive a pack of daily vitamins to give their puppy at this station.

This was a very easy project. I got these small containers at The Dollar Tree for 1.00 (for 10)

Inside of the container is 1 pack of gummy fruit snacks. πŸ™‚

Pretty easy and I think extremely cute. πŸ™‚

If you haven’t seen the other posts about our puppy theme party you can click here.


I have included my sticker here.

You can print them out on regular paper and glue them to the containers.

I printed them on full 8 1/2 x 11 label sheets by Avery. Cut them out and stuck them on like stickers πŸ™‚ Much faster and looks really nice πŸ™‚

Tomorrow we will feature another fun extra for our Puppy Station πŸ™‚

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Both deaf since the age of 3, Chad and Mary Beth enjoy not only raising their little family but photographing together, cooking & crafting as well. Living in Central Florida with their ... Read More About Us Β»