Angry Birds Blue & Gold Cub Scout Banquet- Part 4

Last and final post.  This post will cover the GAME/ACTIVITY portion of the banquet.

Mentioned before in previous posts- we stacked up moving boxes for the game.

We used 10 dodge balls. 5 green 5 red. We found them cheaply at Walmart. We use dodgeball all the time for scouts so they will be used many times over.

We broke the kids/scouts up into 2 teams. Used a chalk board to keep track of the points.


The Trivia questions print off a set with answers for yourself. Then remove all of the answers, increase the font size to 30 and print out a set. Cut out each question individually and fold it up and place it in a bowl (you can see the bowl of questions in the above photo I included)

We allowed siblings to play.

1st team came up- they were given 5 questions to answer. Whoever from the team answered the question 1st got a ball. We allowed them to answer 5 question. The ball color for this team was green for PIGS. They were also given 1 point on the score board for every correct answer. If they answered wrong, they lost a chance for that ball. After 5 questions they were asked as an entire group to go down to the boxes, build them up how they would like them to be- and the ones that won a green “pig” can place them  visually in the set up.

During the time team 1 is setting up their pigs.

Team 2- comes up and they answer 5 questions. They have a chance to earn 5 balls = 5 points on the board.

Once they are done- the pigs generally are finished as well setting up.

We have a designated line where the winners of the balls get a chance to throw it at the boxes to knock down the pigs.

IF the red ball team (team 2) with the red “birds” knock down all of the pigs they are given 2 extra points. If they can not. The pigs are granted 2 points.


The team 2 – that just threw the balls is now the pigs. They begin to answer 5 questions, earning 5 green balls. Once completed they go as an entire team and set up boxes and pigs, while team 1 is now answering red “bird” ball questions.  And the cycle continues.

The down load has 40 questions. Enough for 4 rounds. SO each team should be able to be “red bird” / “green pigs” twice each.

It was a hit. The questions are mixed of Primary Aged questions and Scout questions.

The parents LOVED watching them trying to knock the boxes down. It was the highlight of the night.

Everyone won “angry bird eggs” treat for participating.


I forgot to get a photo of my actual ones at the banquet. Here is what they looked like (iphone pic)

I used little bubble gum for the eggs.  Blue, Orange, Red, Green, Yellow, White.

They kids loved this prize. The toppers fit on a 3×4 size baggy.

Next activity. Each scout was to bring a cake already baked and frosted/iced only. They had to bring the decorations to make their cake as a family- theme of Angry Birds. We had some really great ones.

They were given 15 minutes start to finish before they were judged by the primary presidency. 🙂


Here is just a glimpse of just 4 of them…..

That is some MAD TALENT!!!

It was great seeing them work together.  The REAL underlying theme of the night wasn’t just Angry Birds but “Teamwork”  They did great.

The Cakes were awarded. 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, then all the other cakes were given fun certificates too of – best team work cake, most candied cake, largest cake, most colorful cake etc. We made up quite a few extra awards. Then the primary presidency simply had to write the boys names on the certificate.

However 1st, 2nd 3rd place also received a PIN/BUTTON that looked like Angry Birds in addition to their certificate. 🙂  Made them ourselves with our button maker.

I just happen to make a video with my iphone of Chad putting the buttons together-


Here is a “generic” one to share with you.


So that wraps up our Angry Birds Banquet series. 🙂 I hope this helps any other Scout Leaders out there in planning a blue and gold or any Angry Birds Party you may be throwing.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook. We are often sharing lots of other ideas that I don’t always post in my blog. Find our facebook follow button in the right top column of our website.

Thanks for letting me share!

P.S. I forgot one last detail.

The dinner for the banquet was SUPER easy. We baked about 100 small/medium potatoes. All in foil. Served them hot.
All the families brought various toppings. We had TONS of toppings. It made a great dinner.
Here is our list most brought 2 items unless it was a larger one.

-Mild Chili
-Fajita Chicken (shredded)
-Crumbled Blue Cheese & Avocado Slices
-Sour cream & Butter
-Salsa & Canned Corn
-Broccoli Bits & Chopped Scallions
-Chopped Ham & Salt/Pepper
-Nacho Cheese & Chopped Tomatoes
-Shredded Cheese & Crumbled Bacon
-Sauteed Mushrooms & Sauteed Sweet Onions

With all those toppings EVERYONE was happy. We had over 70 people in attendance. It was perfect. Dessert was eating the competition cakes 🙂


6 Responses to Angry Birds Blue & Gold Cub Scout Banquet- Part 4
  1. […] Angry Birds Blue & Gold Cub Scout Banquet- Part 4 – 1 freebie(s)? […]

  2. Jill @ KitchenFunWithMy3Sons
    March 2, 2012 | 10:55 am

    Love this! We just posted our Kitchen Fun and Crafty Friday link party and would love for you to stop by and share this…

  3. Kellie Hollister
    March 2, 2012 | 5:50 pm

    I am so excited that you have shared this. I have been asked to do our Blue & Gold dinner for next year and I know the boys would go crazy for this. May I ask what your budget was? I guess it doesn’t really matter, but I’m so excited to do this, that I want to start now. 🙂

  4. Bob
    September 18, 2012 | 6:44 am

    THIS IS A GREAT IDEA!!!I found part’s 1 and 4 but not part’s 2 and 3 could you e-mail these part’s to me???? like I said kid’s will love this THANKS Bob

  5. Katrina Bleyl
    January 19, 2013 | 2:21 am

    Thank you so much for posting these. I just got put in as Cub Committee Chair and I don’t know anything about Scouts. I am so excited to do this for our Blue & Gold this year. The boys are going to LOVE it! 🙂 Thank you!

  6. Alison
    March 6, 2014 | 1:16 pm

    Hello. I love all of your ideas. What did you use for the pigs that went on top of the boxes? Do they get points for just knocking the pigs off the boxes and onto the ground? Do you use balloons that “pop”?



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