Did you know every year Chick-Fil-A has a cow appreciation day? This is the one day my family goes out, dresses up and enjoys a yummy meal at Chick-Fil-A. It is awesome. We go around 1130am to beat the lunch rush because it is such a popular day. We get a yummy free meal. We…
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Tomorrow June 6, 2014 is National Donut Day!! We love donuts!! We did some research for our readers and even or Local Orlando Readers! Here is a list of places celebrating tomorrows National Donut Day! The Donut King – 208 S. US Hwy 27, Minneola, Florida 34715 Free glazed donut! No purchase necessary. Sip N’…
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Wanted to make something cute for my daughter’s teacher t show her how much we appreciate her. I have seen all types of “box of sunshines” all over pinterest. I decided to hit up the dollar tree and see what I could come up with. Also I had quite a few things in my own…
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I have used these cute jars before I got from Hobby Lobby for teachers. (See teacher post here) But thought it would be just as cute to use for graduates. School colors are Orange and Black and purchased Reese Pieces candies and pulled all the yellow ones out. My kids were just as happy to…
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I found these really adorable sippy cups that are BPA free at the Dollar Tree. They are adorable. I personalized these for my Cousins son for his birthday
They colors were so vibrant and taking a few extra minutes out of my day made these cute sippy cups every more special. Using my Silhouette…
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June 7th is National Donut Day! I plan to get donuts for my kidlets for breakfast friday morning. They will be excited for that! However quite a few places in my area are offering free donuts. Thought I would pass that on to my readers– Krispy Kreme– Stop by any participating Krispy Kreme Doughnuts location to…
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HAVE YOU SEEN OUR BRAVE PARTY??? CLICK HERE TO VIEW!! OUR BRAVE BEAR CLAW CUPCAKES – CLICK HERE TO VIEW!! We are giving away to 1 lucky winner digital files for you to print for your upcoming Brave party. These above sample 7 files can be customizable to you. Here is how Page #- 1-…
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This month’s Visiting Teaching Message – FOUND HERE I always looking for something cute to give my sisters. I know it is not required but my life is stressful sometimes and I like to be creative and it makes me feel good inside and fun to be creative.
A quote by President Monson in…
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Orange Peel Cleaner is great.
I just started making some. You save up all your orange peels. We eat so many we can fill it up quickly. If you need to save them up- freeze them till you need the peels. Once you can fill a jar up with peels then pour in enough…
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Another homemade item I worked on this week is homemade fabric softener. Very simple to make. We learned about this too at our church Relief Society night. What a huge savings for this. I doubled the recipe to use 2 bottles of conditioner you need to use. Then filled up a gallon milk jug. Better…
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My Relief Society sisters at church taught us how to do homemade laundry detergent (plus other things I will share later). I was skeptical. We were able to take some home. I used it and loved it. Cleaned so well. It cost me only about 5.00 to make 5 gallons worth of laundry soap. That…
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I am sorry this is so close to St. Patrick’s day. I just designed this last night for me to go visit my church sisters for Visiting Teaching. However I created one for regular use as well for all of my readers. I made this tag that will fit on a sandwich size zip top…
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My daughter is going to take this fun little gift to her classmates. Nothing over the top- but something to celebrate the day. After all it only happens every 4 years
I got a bag of 8 frogs for 1.00 at my local dollar store
Bagged them up added a cute topper on…
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Continuing on with our Angry Birds Blue & Gold Banquet for our Cub Scouts this year. I decided I didn’t want to deal with cups and pitchers of water that could spill. Decided it still met budget we could do bottles of water. I love to relabel our water bottles. They were a huge hit…
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I always like to take a little something to the sisters I visiting teach. I ran out of time making them something yummy. I usually like to bake for them
Sadly, I ran out of time baking. I read the lesson for the month and realized how great it is to be a mother….
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