I am a major procrastinator if you didn’t know. I needed to come up with a project for tomorrow when I go visit some gals from my church for visiting teaching. This month theme is also on Temple and I wanted to give them something pretty to have in their homes. Also Primary is learning…
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I am in LOVE with my new cupcake stand. I did not own one yet. I kept waiting for the perfect stand that screamed my name. I have passed by the stand at Target many times and almost bought it – but always put it back. Now I am glad I did. This one is…
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Those that are following us on Facebook – Know we have already started getting ready for my daughter’s 7th birthday. However her birthday isn’t for another 10 weeks at least. 🙂 I am a mega planner. My daughter picked out her theme about 6 months ago. So once I get a theme in my head–…
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We have this area over the bar the divides our dining room and kitchen. We always love to hang things across the wide open area. I LOVE LOVE LOVE using my red/white bakers twine. 4th of July it comes in handy! I found these thick felt stars at JoAnn’s crafts on clearance. I showed the…
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Such an easy decoration. Using left over cans from dinner, wash out and dry. Simply cut out a piece of your favorite scrap paper to the size of your soup can. Tape to the outside of your can. I tied on a ribbon around the middle to add in a bit of brown to my…
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I am a little late on the 4th of July Bandwagon here. Just when I get done with Father’s day. 4th of July celebrations start in my neck of the woods next weekend with church activities. So I needed to get going. A girlfriend and I collaborated on this print and I am very excited…
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We had a small party with family for graduation for my kidlets. I made a pendant banner with the penguins I used in my smartie pants post — see here It says congrats. Printed them out, cut out and taped them on to a long piece of curling ribbon. All the tables had black table…
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This is one of my favorite pieces Chad has put together for our family. We have a stainless steel fridge and only 1 side that a magnet will stick to. Limited on space for showing off the kids achievements and special papers. I am not sure where I saw this idea. Been about 9 months…
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My husband and I are big time into Cub Scouts. I am sad that my little man is too old for cub scouts. He is now in boy scouts. But through our church callings we are still involved in cub scouts. Between the 2 of us- we are the main folks in charge when it…
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(SORRY FOR THE MISSING POST– I don’t know what ate my entire post) I have had many friends ask me about my crown molding in my home. They say there is no way they would be able to do it ever. Too hard to figure out the corners. That is where I love to tell…
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I wanted to have a nice framed piece for the special dad in my kids life. 🙂 I plan to give one to my father in law as well. Sad my dad isn’t here to get one too. But it’s the thought that counts he knows I would make him one in a heart beat….
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I wanted little cupcake stands to show off cupcakes we create lately. We have kind of joined the cupcake craze. So everything we make is a cupcake now. Invite us over for dinner– OK– we’ll bring cupcakes. Been learning how to frost them etc. I needed something more than my cake stand. So Chad and…
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This is the last gift my kids teachers will be getting. I followed the flower instructions from the website MADE. I loved out it came out. Chad sprayed them all. He is an even spray painter. I would have drips all over the silly thing. My best friend saved me a bunch of coke bottles….
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May Day Baskets- The kids and I wanted to make some flower baskets we could give away. We also wanted to be frugal and use things we already have around the house. Were very pleased with our final project. 🙂 We only had to purchase the lollipops 🙂 We had a few left over…
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April showers bring May flowers. May Day is coming up Sunday, May 1st. What a great way to start off the month with cupcakes!! Any excuse for us to make cupcakes in this house is a good excuse! To make our cupcakes a little more festive we decorated them with a cupcake wrapper and matching…
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