Earth Day Cupcakes


Made cupcakes last night with my kidlets. Nothing major but thought they were cute.  Simply used a boxed cake mix.

Divided it in 2 and dyed it blue and green.

Then we used both silicone and paper cups. We were trying out the silicone for the 1st time. It was neat to use. We will use them again!

We layered the cake mix, blue, green, blue green till we filled it 1/2 to 2/3 full.

Then we just frosted them with homemade butter cream.


The colors inside are so pretty 🙂  We love bright colors and it makes us happy!!


4 Responses to Earth Day Cupcakes
  1. Beth
    April 22, 2011 | 9:45 pm

    that icing looks delicious!!! cute cupcakes!

  2. Krista
    April 23, 2011 | 12:49 am

    I love your blog, & I am the newest follower, I am also awarding you the versatile blogger award!! Check it out at

  3. staci
    April 19, 2012 | 12:29 pm

    We made these a few years ago, I’m making them again for our little playdate this weekend.

  4. […] Bottom) Earth Cookies, Slice of Earth Cake, Dirt Dessert, Earth Day Cake Pops Garden Cupcakes, Earth Day Cupcakes, Earth Day Cookies, Rainbow Heart Cake Rainbow Cake Pops, Chocolate Popcorn Trees, Ladybug […]

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