Lemon Sour cream Cupcake = Delicious Failcake

First things first.  What is a failcake?? Check out the definition of a failcake by BrekkeCakes.com

Technically this is a Failcake Cheatercake. LOL  I love her terminology. It’s like part of my regular vocabulary!!! HA!

Certainly this yummy looking cupcake couldn’t possibly be a failcake. AND the mere fact that I am admitting to my friends and family I– Mary Beth– failed at making a cupcake. I have to admit. This is my 1st big failure. Before you say.. OH WOW ONLY HER 1st??  Remember I am still very VERY new at cupcake making and trying to play with flavors etc. It was bound to happen and won’t be my last!!

I know looks can be deceiving. In fact this little innocent cupcake is also very very delicious!!

How did I fail??  I covered up my failure and took photos to prove I did.

My little lemony cupcakes fell.  HORRIBLY so. They came out of the oven all nice and plump and fluffy.  I turn around to start making the frosting. Looked back at my sweet cupcakes and to my horror they had FALLEN!!!


I baked up the rest of the batter, trying to let it cook 1 or 2 minute longer. Didn’t matter. They fell = FAILCAKES.

Where did I go wrong?  I have no clue. Maybe too much other yummy stuff I put in it.

But I will admit, they are still VERY MOIST, and very delicious. Just the tops of my cupcakes were wrinkly like shar pei puppy!


So if you can get past the cute wrinkles in this cupcake and frost it to make it look prettier. It’s a darn good failcake I admit!! 🙂

Failures can still be delicious too! 🙂




2 Responses to Lemon Sour cream Cupcake = Delicious Failcake
  1. Cheryl @ That's What Che Said
    July 18, 2011 | 10:55 pm

    This looks delicous! My mom’s favorite is lemon, I will make these for her birthday in August! I also love, love, love your cupcake stands!

  2. Tamboliya
    September 14, 2012 | 4:26 pm

    These still looked gorgeously beautiful to me! 🙂 I never would have noticed they were flat and wrinkly (a failure) unless you had pointed it out. I thought they were supposed to look that way on purpose. 🙂 They looked gourmet to me! 🙂 Be encouraged. 🙂 God bless you. Have a great stellar day! 🙂 You rock! 🙂

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Both deaf since the age of 3, Chad and Mary Beth enjoy not only raising their little family but photographing together, cooking & crafting as well. Living in Central Florida with their ... Read More About Us »