Category Archives: DIY Project / Crafts

Another University of Florida Gator Party

Decided to break out all the Gator stuff and have a mini party.  U of  F (Gators) played FSU  (bummer we lost).  So I decided to dress up dinner and add a few fun things to enjoy the evening since the game started at 7. Made football cupcake wrappers and then cupcake toppers. Added some…

Our Thanksgiving 2011

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! We sure did. Lots of family, friends and food to be had 🙂  Here are a few highlights of our table and fun 🙂 Adult’s Table Kids table Kids Table with Turkey Lollipop center piece 🙂 Big kids table 🙂 Kids table Our delicious bird made by Chef Chad-…

Cute Turkey Thanksgiving Place Cards

I saw these on Pinterest.  (Lately alot of my projects are coming from there!! HAHA) I loved them so much I wanted to make my own. 🙂 They were alot of fun. I picked out 3 fabrics from my stash. 🙂  You need very little fabric. Scraps would work just great. I made 14 place…

Turkey Lollipops – Thanksgiving Friends

I found this idea on Pinterest. Soon as I saw them I knew I wanted to make them!!  I had everything already here at home. Made 18 of these little guys for my daughter to take to school before they let out for Thanksgiving Break. Lollipops – Tootsie roll ones work the best.  (Gotta love…

ILY Thank You Gifts

This weekend we had an amazing ASL (American Sign Language) Thanksgiving Dinner. We had approx 100 people at the dinner. 🙂 One part of the dinner presentation was a song performed by our special group. They worked so hard learning this song “I heard Him Come”  in ASL.  Many of them were new to ASL…

Little Man Mustache Baby Shower

I was so excited when I was asked to help with some of this “Little Man” baby shower. To do the graphics for the banners and cakes and other paper items 🙂  The shower came out so incredibly cute. I have some serious talented friends. And it is fun when everything comes together into a…

Little Man – Mustache Clothing Wear – Birthday & Shower Gifts

Lovin’ all the “Little Man” baby showers and Mustache themes for boys.  I say “ABOUT TIME”  Little girls always have cute themes and I love that this one is a boy only thing pretty much. 🙂 I had a baby shower and a little guy turning 1 I wanted to make gifts for. Fired up…

CTR – Baptism Towel

A special guy was Baptized this past weekend. We were so excited for him and his family!! Chad and I wanted to create a special gift. We have made this in the past but never took photos to share with our bloggers. So I made sure this time to take pictures. We have a professional…

Happy Veterans Day – 11-11-11

This is not a new idea for me– but these are new shirts. So I wanted to blog them. (not very smiley of my son– but he really is excited about the shirt.. at that stage) Last week I purchased red shirts on sale with my 25% off coupon from Jo-Ann’s Crafts.  I had made…

Go Gators – Gator Birthday Party

  My son turned 12 in October. He didn’t want a theme for his birthday party. He decided for his main gift was to just go to a local theme park for the day instead of having a party. But– this mom– can’t let the day go by without some decorations. So the day before…

Halloween Brownie Push Pop Treats

  Wrapping up the last of my Halloween treats and will be moving on to Thanksgiving. 🙂  These were a hit at my daughters 1st grade class. 🙂  I loved how they turned out. I purchased these wonderful push pops from – I love their quality of their push pops and you can’t go…

Halloween Test Tube Treats – FREE PRINTABLE

Made some fun treats for a class room of 1st graders. That is what being a room mom is all about. Fun treats to bring in. I had test tubes on hand. I purchased them almost a year ago. Have used them on so many other projects. Halloween just seemed to fit perfectly for test…

Counting down to Halloween – Free Printable

  I had planned to bag up some candy corn (as we have way too much in this house and needs to be given away). I wanted to make a tag that says 7 days till Halloween for the kids in my daughters class. I was browsing Pinterest today and came across this link. “Count’s…

Dollar Store Pumpkins – Angry Bird Style

Our Dollar Tree store sold these carvable pumpkins. We decided to paint them up instead. Was quite fun!! I am pretty good at simple hand drawing. So I took a permanent marker and drew all our faces on our pumpkins.  So the kids had lines to follow to paint in. We love using Plaid FolkArt…

Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops – Kid Friendly

These are so easy to make.  With kids its even more fun to do. Easy for little hands to help. Marshmallows, Chocolate Jimmie Sprinkles, Pop Sticks & Candy Melts Simply press the sticks into the bottom of the marshmallows We melted green candy melts into a glass cup. So that it was deep to submerge…

Both deaf since the age of 3, Chad and Mary Beth enjoy not only raising their little family but photographing together, cooking & crafting as well. Living in Central Florida with their ... Read More About Us »