Category Archives: DIY Project / Crafts

Banana cupcakes in a jar

I love anything in a jar, or glass. Something about receiving a gift in a cool jar is fun. Start off by making 24 cupcakes using our very own recipe by Chad – Chad’s best ‘nanner bread I may be biased but hands down this is the best ‘nanner bread ever. (Its a sweet version)….

DIY- Inexpensive Dad Frame with Quote

I wanted to have a nice framed piece for the special dad in my kids life. ๐Ÿ™‚ I plan to give one to my father in law as well.ย  Sad my dad isn’t here to get one too. But it’s the thought that counts he knows I would make him one in a heart beat….

DIY- Pretty Cupcake Stands

I wanted little cupcake stands to show off cupcakes we create lately. We have kind of joined the cupcake craze. So everything we make is a cupcake now. Invite us over for dinner– OK– we’ll bring cupcakes. Been learning how to frost them etc. I needed something more than my cake stand. So Chad and…

Father’s Day – iDad Chocolate Candy

What dad doesn’t want a sweet gift? I know a bunch of dad’s would LOVE an iPad for Father’s day.. but I think this is the 2nd best thing to get. Get a big DADDY size chocolate bar. We used this one (will fit the freebie wrapper we are offering) Printed off the wrapper and…

Father’s Day – Love you to PIECES

I plan on making a basket of goodies for Father’s day. Different items my husband enjoys to eat. So to start off my basket I added a jar of his favorite candies. Can you guess? He is a major peanut butter lover! I used an empty frappuccino bottle I got from a friend. (I love…

4th of July Pillow Case Dress

One of my very 1st dresses I have ever sew was this one last year. I love how it turned out. The little American flags, and used maroon fabric to accent it. Its great to also wear on Memorial and Labor day.ย  I also sewed it a bit long so she could wear it for…

DIY- Baby Burp Cloths

Another incredibly easy baby shower gift. I used the same fabric as I did the other 2 shower gifts. (found here) I gave these, 2 binkies and a pair of shoes for shower gifts. They were the hit of the parties. Everyone ooh’ed and ahh’ed over them. Almost made me want to have another kids….

DIY- Baby Binky Leash

Another QUICK and easy Baby shower gift.ย  I have gotten so many comments back from my girlfriends that received these that these hold on to their son’s clothing far better than the commercial brand. That makes my heart sing. ๐Ÿ™‚ Something better than a store brand– ME?? I made?? WOOHOO Sew 4 Home– has this…

DIY- Adorable Cloth Baby Shoes

I used to not be able to sew. Yesterday being Mother’s day I got to reflect on all the wonderful things my mom has taught me. It then got me to thinking that I have been also equally blessed with great friends that are mother’s and they have taught me some really great things. I…

Thanks for helping me bloom – Teacher Appreciation Week 2011

This is the last gift my kids teachers will be getting. I followed the flower instructions from the website MADE. I loved out it came out. Chad sprayed them all. He is an even spray painter. I would have drips all over the silly thing. My best friend saved me a bunch of coke bottles….

Smart Cookie – Teacher Appreciation 2011

I found this great post for weddings– however I wanted to do another Smart Cookie for teacher appreciation week.ย  SEE OUR OTHER COOKIE POST. I loved how this looked like a cafe cookie. Very classy! I made the cookie recipe the wedding website suggested. I used a 1/4 cup measuring cup to make sure I…

Grass is greener – Teacher Appreciation Week 2011

I got this idea from Eighteen 25‘s website. I loved the entire thing. So I wanted to do this for our children’s teachers and special staff for teacher appreciation week. I used mugs that came in new dishes set that I didn’t want. I am not a fan of mugs. I have my own special…

Mint to Teach – Teacher Appreciation Week 2011

Teacher Appreciation week is HERE!!ย  My favorite week. Here is one of the projects my kids are giving their teachers this week. I used plastic test tubes and mint candies. I already know I am going to get questions about where I got my test tubes. HAVE NO FEAR!! I will show you where I…

Princess & Frog Party – Decorations, Candy & Games

Our candy table ๐Ÿ™‚ Lots of Pink and Green Candies in various jars I had. Mason Jars, lock lid jars etc. I love to collect jars so creating this tble was fun. We used pink or green starburst, or strawberry whopper candy, andes mint candies, lollipops in green and pink on long sticks found at…

Princess & Frog Party – Goodie Bags

  My husband and I own an embroidery machine- and decided to give out really cool goodie bags to the girls at the party. He digitized the frog we used in her theme, and added each of the girls names on the canvas bags. Inside we added fun items. 1- We made homemade play-dough for…

Both deaf since the age of 3, Chad and Mary Beth enjoy not only raising their little family but photographing together, cooking & crafting as well. Living in Central Florida with their ... Read More About Us ยป